Suggestions for
to English-Language Radio
TV News
Click on the link below to read an article by a JTE@onF
Classes and Self-trainingf
As with any language, it is important to
practice hearing, speaking, reading, and writing English regularly in order
to maintain or improve confidence and ability when communicating.@This is
true of everyone, regardless of their level of English proficiency.@
The best way to improve your English is to
study abroad.@However, this is often not possible.@So if you cannot go
abroad to study English, then you could always bring the country to you!
Following are some suggestions that
Japanese teachers can easily use in order to establish regular exposure to
English, right here in Japan.@These suggestions are specifically for JTE's
to employ for the sake of their own English exposure.@However, most of
these ideas can also be used in the classroom!
1.@ Listen to
English-Language Radio
You can listen to these broadcasts in your
free time, in the car, or even use them in your classroom on a regular
basis.@Some examples of English-language broadcasts are:
A. NHK's bilingual news@@ Introductory
B. 'Japan This Day' on NHK BS@@ Intermediate
C. CNN (CNN has some
bilingual news
programs.@Subtitled programs are
frequently shown.)@
, BBC@
, ABC@ etc.@@ Advanced.@
D. Listen to ZIP FM (Nagoya)@or
TV News Programs
the BBC World Service
Movies in English
This can be a fun way to practice listening
to naturally-spoken English.@If possible, try watching a movie without
Japanese subtitles, and see how much of the story you can understand in
English and through body language.@A big part of communicating in English
is watching body language and gestures.@Therefore, watching movies provides
even more natural exposure to real-life English language communication.
an English Language Newspaper or Magazine
Subscribe to an English language newspaper
and find interesting articles to bring into your classroom.@Most publishers
will send you a sample edition if you ask for it.@Some now even offer
reduced subscription rates for schools.@
· The Japan Times, Asahi Evening News, The Daily Yomiuri are just a few of
the English language papers readily-available in Japan.
Any international center is an excellent
source for reading newspapers in English.@Most have a large selection of
magazines and books, as well.@Your local library may also be a good place
to find foreign language materials.@
You can also read newspapers online:
The Guardian Online (the
best online internet newspaper)·
USA Today@-@
· Time Daily@-@
· CNN Interactive@-@
· Newsweek@-@
· BBC Homepage@-@
· World Wide Newspage
· The Washington Post@
@ @
4.@Record Your Own Voice
In order to memorize important words and
sentences, write them down in your notebook and / or record them on tape.@Listen
to the tape in your car on the way to school.@Don't underestimate
imitation.@It is the beginning of everything in language learning!
5.@Write in English
Find time to write in English.@For
example, while you are listening to a speech or sitting in a meeting (conducted
in Japanese), why not take notes or translate the main points into English?@
in (or initiate) a Pen-Pal Program
Regular correspondence with a native
English speaker is an ideal way to practice reading and writing in true,
communicative English.@This is good practice for people of all ages:@students
and teachers, alike.@
See the Pen Pal section of this manual for
more on Pen Pal programs.@You can also ask your ALT or an exchange student
if his or her school at home would like to do a pen-pal exchange.
7.@Keep a Diary in English
You don't have to write every day, but set
aside time on a regular basis to write about what you feel or about an interesting
experience.@Writing in English is excellent practice, because you learn
immediately what grammatical points you have the most trouble with.@Foreign
language diaries also provide you with a greater personal motivation to
learn new vocabulary and new ways of expressing information.
Monday 26th February, 2002
@ This
morning I woke up at around 7:30 am and had breakfast.@After
showering, I drove to school in my car.@On the way, I listened to my favorite
Kinki Kids MD.@When I
got to school, I had lots of preparation to do for the 1st
grade class.
During the class, the ALT taught me a new phrase:
"Beating around the bush" means to hint around the subject (but
not actually say it,@to be
vague or indirect.)
8.@Take tests such as TOEFL, TOEIC,
STEP, etc.
Try to get a guide license, or a UN Official
English Test.@If you pass the tests, you can be more confident of your
English ability.@If you don't pass, but your score increases the next time,
you can still see how much your English is improving.@Don't give up!
9.@Speak ONLY English in your
It seems obvious that you should speak
English in your class most of the time.@If you speak English from the
start with a new class, they will become more used to listening to and
responding in English.
This can be done through Non-verbal Communicative Teaching..For more
information on the benefits of teaching English using Non-verbal Communicative Teaching, please see
that subject in the Teaching Approaches and
Methodology section of this website.
@ @
10.@Attend Seminars for English
There are a lot of good seminars available
during the summer vacation.@Some are even held abroad.@Seminars are
provided here at the Education Center, as well.@Learning any foreign
language is a life-long process.@Keep at it@- you will see the results.
11.@Explore the Internet
Access to personal computers and the
internet is steadily increasing in Japanese schools.@The internet is a great
source of information, and the best part (at least for English teachers) is
that most of the information is in English.@There are literally thousands
of home pages on nearly every subject imaginable for you to enjoy.@The
added benefit is that you English will be improving at the same time.@
There are many search engines available
to help you find the information you want to search only in Japanese. These
sites have a lot of information on education-related topics.@If you have
more time, wander around the internet sites and take them wherever they
lead.@You may start looking for one thing and wind up finding something
altogether different and more interesting!
If you don't have much time, but want to
get a small sampling of what is available, try checking out these English-language web sites to
start with:
@ @
Also, you may want to try the online
newspapers listed above!
@ @
12.@Socialize with Native English
A particularly good example is your ALT!@Whenever
there is an ALT working at your school, try to socialize with him or her in
the teachers' room on a regular basis.@Converse about topics unrelated to
lesson planning or specific classes.@Make sure to foster the sense that
this is a social conversation, not a work-related discussion session.@This
is extremely valuable authentic experience with English communication.@
In addition, the ALT will probably greatly
appreciate your interest in forging a bond through communication.@Many
ALTs, particularly 'one-shots' who only attend your school for 3 weeks or
less, often feel alone and outside of the group.@They may have very limited
Japanese ability, and they don't know anyone at your school.@Therefore they
may be reluctant to begin socializing with other teachers.@These ALTs will
be relieved and many times excited to speak with you!@@@
@ @
English Dictionaries
It is necessary for a teacher of English
to have a real English dictionary which defines words in English.@There are
many problems when attempting to translate words into Japanese.@It is quite
common to make a mistake and apply the wrong meaning to a word.@For
example, an English-Japanese dictionary will translate the word
"bill" into "Ώ","r","Ϊ^","Ό",
"cΔ", and "ΏΞ΅".@It is therefore difficult to know
which translation is best.@An English0English dictionary will define the
word in easy English for each of its meanings.@This is also very helpful
when teaching new words using alternatives to translation.
English@ English dictionaries also help
with expressions and phrases.@The expression "break-neck speed",
for example, is defined as "dangerously fast".@Without the use of
an English@ English dictionary, it is difficult to understand and use these
types of expressions.
In addition to English dictionaries, there
are "thesauri".@A thesaurus gives similar and opposite
words for each entry.@These books are commonly used for crossword puzzles
and for people who want to increase their vocabulary.@These types of
dictionaries are also excellent for defining words in different English for
vocabulary tests!
There are many different dictionaries
available, all for different purposes.@"College" dictionaries are
probably the most practical and useful for English teachers.@Regular use of
English@ English dictionaries will further your understanding of English,
and help improve your vocabulary.@It is also a great aid towards avoiding
translation in your classes.@However, be careful which dictionary you
choose as spelling varies between British-English and American-English.
Best web-based bilingual dictionary
Full resource including
translation software
Suggested Reading (in Japanese) for Drama
and Listening
· Professor Makoto Ohmi (of Nanzan
University), Oral Interpretation Nyumon, Taishukan Publishing Co.
· Professor Masayuki Sano (of
Yamagata University).
This section has provided plenty of
suggestions, but that doesn't mean that you have to do or try all or any of
them.@Continuous learning is the
key to improving and maintaining you current level of English.@Good